Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Timelessness of True Love

An old man recently said to me, "We celebrated our anniversary this week". Speaking of his deceased ex wife. Interesting that he would still reflect on his anniversary decades after not only ending the relationship (formally) but also saying goodbye to his lover's earthly body. 

It makes me think that there is something timeless about true love. True love can possibly be measured by how much someone is loved, regardless of what happens, how she or he hurts others, desertion, infidelity, even death. True love holds on through all of it. 

I suppose the essence of who one really is can be defined in some part by how much they were loved and how much they loved or still love someone, even if that someone isn't with them or around any more. It’s interesting that an old man of 69, who has been divorced and then widdowered..(if it's possible to say that after a divorce) still thinks of his anniversary as a special day.

This lends itself to who she was. She may have felt unloved, abandoned, full of anger and resentment, but she was loved with a timeless love, even though she had a wall around her so thick she couldn't feel it at all. My hope for that woman is that after death, she has a chance to truly know how much she was loved. And that she knows that he still thinks of her, and remembers their anniversary. 

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