Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Perception on a Party Bus

Today, I was in my regular seat on the bus. The mudane one I ride in every day.

But, for a change, I pretended the bus belonged to me and the bus driver was my paid driver. I pretended we were going all around picking up all the people who were my friends. I imagined we were going to a party together or the beach or somewhere fun. I was so happy. What a great idea, what a great day it would be.

Then I saw the nearly beaten-to-death guy lying on the concrete as we approached Bupyeong station. He was strew out like a broken doll, limbs in all the wrong directions, blood all over him and his face and head. He had a circle of onlookers, but no one was helping him. I wondered which one of my friends did that to him and I hoped that friend didn't get on my party bus when the door opened at the stop.

We headed on towards the beach, but it wasn't the same after that.