Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Puzzle

I sit, again today, and do my puzzle.
It sucks me into a place inside itself. A place with a pace of it's own, a place I cannot control. It allows me to complete it at it's own pace, not mine.
No two pieces fit into any other places, they need each other, just as mind needs body, a child needs its mother, a lover needs his soul mate, and fingers need a brain in order to will them move two pieces into place.
My puzzle calls to me.The chaos of one thousand needy pieces, the stillness of the cover with the breathtaking scene. The bigger picture.
My creator talks to me when I'm inside the puzzle. He tells me so many things I can only hear when the speed of thoughts slows to near motionless.
He puts His giant and gentle hands over top of mine so that in my blindness I can still put two pieces together exactly. The only two that possibly fit each other. Then three and four, and five and six until the thousandth piece. And I have not thought or matched or tried. I have simply picked up, and placed perfectly, as if arm, wrist, hand and fingers just knew. 
My puzzle inhales me and then breathes me out again as its life. I live for all that happens in the puzzle. The puzzle and I are one.
I will sit again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It's intriguing. My favorite part, He puts His giant and gentle hands over top of mine so that in my blindness, I can still put two pieces together exactly. Isn't that the truth.
