Monday, June 11, 2012

Glimpses of Ecstasy

Yesterday little Voonie and I took off last minute and went to the lake. Best decision I've made in a while. The sky was so incredibly blue. The water was still like glass, and it was so quiet there, except for the sound of the birds doing their calling to one another. Or to their creator?  Or to Voonie and I.
Sometimes the beauty I come across is almost too much for me to handle and it makes me cry. I understand why we only get glimpses of the potential of that kind of beauty. If I saw more than what I've seen, I think my heart would break because of the intensity and magnificence of it.
Can a heart burst over wonder? Can it break over beauty? I think mine could.
I am thankful for the moderation provided to me for my own good. Cause life and creation, are just too good for me to handle.

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