Monday, July 4, 2011

Pearl..and pearl...and pearl

"Again", He said. "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." (Matthew13:44)

Does it mean go sell everything you have if you want to get to heaven? Many churches would love us to believe that. No, perhaps it means the pearl has already been bought and the price was high and has already been paid. And the pearl is already in the kingdom of heaven.
Next time I look in the  mirror I wonder if I have enough faith to see a pearl in its reflection.

...might explain my obsession with pearls for the past several years. (The sudden stories and poems I woke out of dead sleep to get onto paper, and the dreams, the desire to have or wear them,especially black ones, the recent obsession with the names of pearl, the side jobs related to pearls..)

Thank you Paul Anderson Walsh for explaining a much misunderstood parable. I always love when light is shone in such a way. Thank you my wonderful Maker and Merchant.

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