Sunday, November 7, 2010

"The Times, They are a-Changin"

Wow, what a truth.
I'm thinking not so much about times, but more of people. But it's safe to say, that if people change, times change along with them. And my times are really a-changin. So it leads me back to people.

I used to think people didn't change. So I felt wise, not to try to change them. I felt locked in a world where I was stuck in some difficult relationships and painful patterns of coping, a sad way of being in general. Perhaps because I embraced the idea that people never change, I lacked hope. I was on track, its probably realistic to say that some don't change. But it doesn't mean they won't or they can't..someday. Now I am sure beyond a doubt that we do change.

Yes, people really do change, even husbands, wives, fathers brothers and best friends. Even politicians, celebrities, prisoners and the guy next door. I believe it now, as I've seen it with my own eyes, in myself the most. In others who I care about. It's happening everywhere. This new truth is one of the best gifts I have been given and provides immeasurable new amount of hope. It changes the way I hold on to people and let them go, makes it all so much easier to do both, more enjoyable,and less painful. It allows me to avoid taking on the problems of the world, but instead, enjoy the situations I find myself a part of, as my only responsibility is to love. And to pray. It is not to fix or change or empty all my resources trying to 'be there' for someone.  It allows me to honor my old truth; don't try to change them, but with hope. Especially in myself.

Some of my older and unhealthy ways are hard to shake. I've tried to change, but people don't change, right? It doesn't mean they can't or they won't. And even in myself, it doesn't always mean I have to try hard or do anything. Just pray. We are all nature. We are all attached to the vine of Creation and Creator, growing as its only natural to do. Did I ever consider before now, its so natural and so easy to change? Of course not. The TV, the newspaper, my neighbour, whoever, all tell me how hard it is, how expensive it is, how fleeting and hopeless it is.

Well changing me, others, the world, it's not in my job description anymore.  The Guy responsible for that is all knowing, all powerful and all loving. In His timing, all things work together for good,as I have read from a particular Magic Book called the New Testament.

He is saying, "My pretty little butterfly, go out and play. Enjoy the beauty I made for you today, watch the grass grow or the bees collect honey, because this beauty is a pure reflection of my love and all possibilities lie in my creative power. There is metamorphosis happening all around you.  It's natural, it happens without your efforts, so just play."

Tomorrow is always a new day where the sun has come out to play, a little different then yesterday. The moon sleeps a new night with new dreams, the day is fresh, the world, like a grape, is attached to it's vine, ready to be changed while it plays.

"Come gather round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth saving
Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone
For the times, they are a changing"

Bob Dylan

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